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Father's Day COVID-19 Turkey Trot

Mon June 15 - Sun June 21 Any town, CT 99999 US


Any town, CT US 99999


Norwalk's Open Door shelter has been serving the needs of Fairfield County's at risk citizens for years. In the current crisis, their mission, and the necessity for funds to carry it out, has become even more critical.

Throughout its history the New Canaan Turkey Trot has provided significant funding for Open Door's operations, but given the current demands, we can't wait until November. So, we're hosting a Virtual Turkey Trot in June, on Father's Day.

The way it works is this: Run or walk 5K anywhere you want, even on a treadmill, in the week preceding Father's Day. Then submit your time to the RunSignUp page, and it will be posted with all the other online results, just like a real physical race. We've also added a one-mile Health Walk as an option this year.

All participants will receive a commemorative T-shirt which will be mailed shortly before or after Father's Day, depending on when you register. In addition, you can print out a race bib before your run if you want to feel more official, as well as a finisher's certificate afterward.

All proceeds from the run will go toward vital operating expenses at Open Door, and we encourage you to include additional funds as well using the donate button on our page.

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