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Colchester Half Marathon, 28th Running

Sat February 29, 2020 Colchester, CT 06415 US Directions


Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


611 Norwich Avenue
Colchester, CT US 06415


Where: Bacon Academy, Colchester’s High School, 611 Norwich Avenue, Colchester, Connecticut 06415-2142

Course: USTAF Certified, 13.10938 hilly miles. There will be three water & Gatorade stations, professional computerized chip timing, mile signs, volunteers on every turn, lots of hills, dirt roads, cows, rural scenery, and more hills. There will be pre & post race massages & a post race carbo re-load party in the Bacon Academy cafeteria with hearty food, non-alcoholic beverages, results, excuses, tales of woe, camaraderie ~ guests are welcome especially if they can volunteer to help. For more information or to volunteer please contact Rick Konon, e-mail:, telephone: 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. 860-537-4597. Thanks! Need community service time? Contact Rick!

Facilities: Restrooms & showers at Bacon Academy      Entry fee: $14.00** not refundable, includes post race party! Bacon Academy cafeteria post race party      Race Day Entry fee: $20.00**

Register on line
there is no on line service fee! We want to encourage online registration but not discourage mail in registration!
On line registration available until 6:00 p.m. Friday February 28
Register by mail - You must mail your application by Monday February 24!
Race day registration ends at 9:45 a.m. ~ come early, get a massage, talk with friends!!
Make checks payable to: Rick Konon ~ Mail to: Rick Konon, 44 Caisson Road, Colchester, CT 06415-2100


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