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IronHike Endurance Series - Fall 2025 - Mohawk Mtn, CT, USA

Thu October 2 - Sun October 5, 2025 Cornwall, CT 06753 US Directions
* Use coupon code flash50 for 50% off! *
Event start times:
Olympus Mons - 10/1/25 - Midnight
Everest - 10/2/25 - Noon
Denali - 10/3/25 - Noon
Double Kuwohi - 10/4/25 - Noon
Kuwohi - 10/4/25 - Noon
Countdown to Endurance Series Day


Kuwohi - Individual, Trail Family, or Buddy

Kuwohi - 15 Miles | 7,140' Elevation | 12-Hour

$400 - $1,200 10/04 12:00PM EDT
Regular price per athlete per day - (less with coupon code): [Individual = $400] [Trail Buddy = $350] [Trail Family = $300]
Double Kuwohi - Individual, Trail Family, or Buddy

Double Kuwohi - 28+ Miles | 13,685' Elevation | 24-Hour

$700 - $2,000 10/04 12:00PM EDT
Regular price per athlete per day - (less with coupon code): [Individual = $350] [Trail Buddy = $300] [Trail Family = $250]
Denali - Individual, Trail Family, or Buddy

Denali - 43+ Miles | 20,825' Elevation | 48-Hour

$1,000 - $2,800 10/03 12:00PM EDT
Regular price per athlete per day - (less with coupon code): [Individual = $333] [Trail Buddy = $283] [Trail Family = $233]
Everest - Individual, Trail Family, or Buddy

Everest - 61+ Miles | 29,155' Elevation | 72-Hour

$1,300 - $3,600 10/02 12:00PM EDT
Regular price per athlete per day - (less with coupon code): [Individual = $325] [Trail Buddy = $275] [Trail Family = $225]
Olympus Mons - Individual, Trail Family, or Buddy

Olympus Mons Ultra - powered by Skratch Labs ® - 152+ Miles | 72,590' Elevation | 84-Hour

$1,600 - $4,000 10/02 12:00AM EDT
Regular price per athlete per day - (less with coupon code): [Individual = $320] [Trail Buddy = $260] [Trail Family = $200]


We Bring the Highest Mountains to You!

NEW! - IronFest After-Series Celebration - Sunday afternoon, with food, prizes, awards, music, open mic, and more!

We rent a mountain for 4 days to bring you IronHike...

The IronHike Endurance Series at Mohawk Mountain is a single or multi-day event that is part hike, part trail run, part group camping trip, part one-of-the-hardest-damn-things-you’ve-ever-done, and full-on badass mountain footslog.


Three ways to IronHike!

1. Go it alone, together.

2. With a Trail Buddy.

3. With a Trail Family.

You do the whole event alone, with a trail buddy, or with 3 other team members who choose to share the mileage and elevation from 12, 24, 48, 72, and/or 84-hour Events. 

Events may require night trekking by headlamp. 

Manage your laps and pace in our FlexRelay format. You also manage your rest, food, hydration, and sleep in your tent right off the trail.


NOTE:  We are a multi-day event series.
Here are the start and mandatory finish times per event:

  • Olympus Mons - Wed, Oct 1, 2025, Midnight to Sun, Oct 5, 2025, Noon

  • Everest - Thu, Oct 2, 2025, Noon to Sun, Oct 5, 2025, Noon

  • Denali - Fri, Oct 3, 2025, Noon to Sun, Oct 5, 2025, Noon

  • Double Kuwohi - Sat, Oct 4, 2025, Noon to Sun, Oct 5, 2025, Noon

  • Kuwohi - Sat, Oct 4, 2025, Noon to Midnight


Here's What You Get (Included in your Registration):

  • Exclusive single-day or multi-day Event entry for you, your team, and your spectators.

  • One bad-ass, course for day and night trekking.

  • Tenting is provided for each night you are on the Mountain (you bring your tent, and your crew of up to 6 spectators tent with you at no additional cost!).

  • Base area pop-up space (set up your staging pop-up).

  • Base Support Station with shade, fire pit, hydration, snacks, and tribe support

  • Custom training plans by Chaski Endurance Collective

  • Customized and Personalized Event Bib

  • Summit Tokens

  • Finisher's medal for all finishers

  • Finisher's hat

  • Exclusive community access via periodic live Mountain Athlete round-table meetings

  • Ski-patrol medical support.

  • Free parking, spectator area, and restrooms.

  • A new tribe, Bragging rights, Proof.

You versus who you were yesterday and you versus the Mountain...

The IronHike Endurance Series is part of a new classification of events that combines physical, mental, and spiritual gumption. These are NOT races. There is no Podium, no age group awards, and no records to break. These challenges will change your life! Extraordinary Events for a broad range of fitness and skill levels, from ordinary people to seasoned and elite Mountain Athletes reaching beyond their comfort zones!


Invest in yourself...

Change your story.  Do something hard, either for the first time or again! This is about you and the mettle in your own heart. It is about your journey toward becoming the best version of yourself.  Each summit takes you closer to overcoming the super-hard and allows you to let this epic experience change you for the better. 


What you'll do...

Hike it, run it, alone or together, or in our unique FlexRelay format with your trail buddy or your trail family.
Rest when you need to. You will summit and descend the same mountain until reaching the equivalent elevation of the namesake mountain of your event. This is your extreme mountain long haul to manage and conquer!


Five simultaneous events...

12-hour 15-miler, 24-hour 30-miler, 48-hour 43-miler, 72-hour 61-miler Everesting Trek and the most vertical gain and loss of any Ultra under 200 miles in the world, our 84-hour, 72,000 feet of elevation gain and loss event Olympus Mons Ultra - powered by Skratch Labs ®, named after the highest mountain in the solar system on Mars!


Mohawk Mountain Ski Area
46 Great Hollow Road
Cornwall, CT US 06753

Endurance Series Website

Additional Endurance Series information can be found at

Endurance Series Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Endurance Series, click the button below.



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