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King Of Pain

Sun February 16, 2025 Glastonbury, CT 06033 US Directions


10(ish) Mile Run

9:00AM EST - 11:30AM EST
Open to ages 16 - 100.


Hopewell Elementary School
1068 Chestnut Hill Road
Glastonbury, CT US 06033


POSTPONED TO FEB 16th at 9:00 am!!!

The King of Pain 10-Miler

Presented by The Glastonbury River Runners Club

In 2004, a legend was born. The King of Pain is the toughest road race in the history of Glastonbury and, as anyone who has run it knows, it lives up to its name. The course offers breathtaking South Glastonbury orchard scenery, along with hill, after hill, after hill. As a bonus, we scheduled the race smack-dab in the middle of a frigid New England winter. No extra charge. And you’ll be pretty sore after you finish, but you’ll walk away with bragging rights that will last all year long.

Register quick. The field is strictly limited, and all of the clinical masochists in the state want in. Course will be open to traffic, so please use caution.  As with any race during winter months, there is a risk of inclement weather.  Please take this into account when registering.  

Race will benefit Achilles CT and Sunshine Kids.   VIEW THE COURSE MAP HERE

Where: Hopewell School,1068 Chestnut Hill Rd, South Glastonbury, CT 06073

Parking: Spaces available at Hopewell School.  Additional Parking is available at lots across New London Tpke.  Absolutely NO PARKING at the fire station. Please carpool if possible. 

When: Sunday, February 16, 2025. 9AM sharp. Course closes at 11:30 a.m.  If you anticipate taking more than 2:30:00 to complete the course, please contact us for an earlier start time.

Cost: $50 for individuals through 1/19/25, and $60 thereafter.  Online Registration closes Saturday Feb 15 at 8:00 PM EST.  There will be NO registration of any kind on race day available.  

You get: Chip timing, long-sleeve tech shirt (limited quantities and sizes- first 150 registrations only), post race food, and a solid sense of pride for crushing a bunch of Glastonbury's toughest hills.

Awards: The top male & female finishers will be crowned the 2025 King & Queen of Pain with great pomp and circumstance. Age group recognition for first place male and female in 10 year age groups will be presented following the race.

Packet pickup options are available at Marathon Sports Glastonbury on Friday afternoon from 4-6 pm and Saturday morning from 10 am-noon and on race day starting at 8:00. 

NO REFUNDS. Transfers on a case by case basis before on-line registration closes.


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