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New Britain Police Athletic League 5k

Sat June 10, 2023 New Britain, CT 06052 US Directions


3rd Annual New Britain Police 5K Run

8:30AM EDT - 11:15AM EDT


New Britain Police Athletic League 1st annual 5k race!

The New Britain Police Athletic League "PAL" is a non-profit youth
organization in New Britain CT.  The New Britain Police Athletic League is
an organization managed by the New Britain Police Department and is staffed
by full time sworn police officers of New Britain.
The mission of the New Britain Police Athletic League "PAL" is to enable
young people to benefit from participation in team sports and activities in
a safe and structured environment. Through this active participation, PAL
programs teach fundamental values, skills and knowledge that young people
will use throughout their lives.  The New Britain Police Athletic League
strives to inspire youth, to practice the ideals of sportsmanship,
scholarship and physical fitness.

  • Race Day Registration Opens 8AM-9:45 AM
  • Early bird price by before 3/15/2020 $25.00
    After early bird and same day registration $30.00
  • 5K Start Time: 10am
  • Free t-shirt with sign up prior to March 15th
  • Mostly flat running through Walnut Hill park to downtown New Britain on West
    Main Street to Central Park and back to Walnut Hill Park. 
  • 5K will start and end at Walnut Hill Park New Britain CT



199 Lexington Street
Walnut Hill Park
New Britain, CT US 06052

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

New Britain Police Athletic League

New Britain Police Athletic League Trip

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at



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