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Redding Road Race

Sun May 6, 2018 Redding, CT 06896 US Directions


Half Marathon

8:00AM EDT

Seven Mile

8:15AM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


101Marchant Road
Redding, CT US 06896


The races begin and end at stunning New Pond Farm in West Redding, Connecticut with a starting time of 8:00am for the half and 8:15 for the 7 miler. All races are on bucolic country roads that have runners passing a horse farm, a waterfall, a rail road bridge, wetlands, streams, lakes, a historic schoolhouse circa 1789, while finishing in beautiful New Pond Farm. The course can be categorized as challenging and rolling (with plenty of short hills but none that would be classified as long).  There are also plenty of downhills and areas of flat running, so runners should have no problem settling into a comfortable pace.

The Piglet Prance (Kids' Fun Run) of 3/4 of a mile is entirely on New Pond Farm grounds and will occur following the completion of the other two races (approximately 11am).

Runners of every race will receive a gorgeous, in-house designed, 4" finishers medal, an in-house designed performace shirt and numerous other special surprise race goodies. It is our goal to have the Redding Road Race be the friendliest and best supported race of its kind in this area, or any area, for that matter, while benefitting New Pond Farm and it's wonderful programs.

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