Shelton, CT US 06484
This is a timed race!
Early Registration is a $25 Race Fee +$2.50 sign up fee and a free T-shirt if you register before August 15th. Anyone under the age of 18 is a $15 Race Fee +$2.50 sign up fee and a free T-shirt if you register before August 15th. After August 15th, the fees are the same except no t-shirt will be given. Day of registration is $30 for all ages (Cash/check only) with no t-shirt.
Bib/T-shirt Pick up Information
You can pick up your bib/t-shirt the night before (8/30) from 4-7pm at the Pavilion at Riverwalk
If you can't make it the night before please come to the registration desk the day of the race (8/31) from 5-6pm
Introductions at 6:00 PM
Run/Walk at 7:00 PM
The Run/Walk will begin at Inline Plastics Corp near the Shelton Riverwalk.
Race Contact Info
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
MapMyRun Map
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.