Remember to Spring Ahead!
Daylight Saving Time begins March 9.
Don't miss the 8:30 AM start by an hour - be sure to set your clocks ahead before you go to bed Saturday night!
Next race in
Silvermine 25k
Save Your Bib!
Like the Westport and Waveny Series, we will have runners use the same bib for each race. If you have yours from the previous run, you're all set - you can check it by walking across the finish mats and listening for the beep.
If you need a new bib, just see a volunteer to get one.
Early Start Option
While we keep the finish line open until the last runner finishes,
if you anticipate running significantly slower than 10-minute miles,
we encourage you to take advantage of our Early Start Option.
Start your run any time prior to the scheduled general start,
and keep track of your time and submit it to the official at the finish.
The ChronoTrack start system should be operational an hour before the start,
so you can run past it to get an official Chip time - just notify us,
either in advance or after, so you can be assigned to the Early Start wave
in the scoring software.
Note that water stations will probably not be operational for early starters,
so please carry your own fluids. The courses will be marked, but you may
want to print out a map to carry just in case.
Let's see your photos!
Whether your run the actual race course or the equivalent distance on your own, celebrate your achievement by posting photos from before, after, or even during your run. Click the button below for instructions on how.
How to post photosPrintable Maps
Click on the button for a detailed course map you can print out.
Ridgefield 15km Fairfield 20km Silvermine 25kmAll courses will be configured for RaceJoy tracking. Download the free app, carry your phone while you run and you'll receive live mile splits and pace info and turn by turn instructions. Your friends can follow your progress online and even send you on course cheers (helpful when climbing those big hills!)
If you are doing the Run Anywhere option, you can use RaceJoy to record your performance wherever you do your run.