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Contact Us

Mailing Address: 5859 Cottonwood Canyon Road, Morgan Utah 84050

Toll Free: 866-789-RACE(7223) Sorry no texting this number. (Only Available during office hours Tues to Thurs 10AM to 4PM)

Live Chat with Us:    Please limit these chats to simple questions. Try email after these hours: (Chat Available MON-SAT 8AM to 6PM - After these hours it will have a message to email us and we may not get back with it in a timely manner.)

Email:  (We try to answer these questions during and after hours) In Subject Line List Race Name - Then Subject (Ex: Drop13 - What time does the race start?)

Our office hours are Tuesday to Thursday from 10AM to 4PM if you wish to reach us via phone. We work most Saturdays so we take Mondays off and Fridays are generally used to set up the course so you can try to reach us then if we are in range. 

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