Become a race sponsor
Sponsor Benefits:
Support Citadel athletics and athletic scholarships
Fun marketing opportunity to advertise and raise awareness about your company/ business (races frequently extend to social media) and reach new customers
Promote health, wellness, and community to your employees and customers (fun, family-friendly way to get people, particularly children, active)
Involvement with your local community
Sponsorship Packages:
Presenting Sponsors: $3,000
- 15 free entries to race
- Large company logo and company name(s) prominently placed on website, online registration, social media, advertising and marketing materials
- Large company logo and company name prominently placed on first tier of sponsors on top of official race shirt
- Invitation to hang company-supplied banner at post-race party venue
- Company name mentioned during pre and post-race announcements and awards ceremony
- Invitation to set up Company booth at post-race party with promotional items
- Inclusion in all media exposure
Gold Level Sponsors: $1,500
- 8 free entries to race
- Medium-sized company logo and company name placed on website, online registration, social media, advertising and marketing materials
- Medium-sized company logo and company name placed on second tier of sponsors on official race shirt
- Invitation to hang company-supplied banner at post-race party venue
- Invitation to set up Company booth at post-race party with promotional items
Silver Sponsors: $500
- 4 free entries to race
- Small company logo and company name placed on website, online registration, social media, advertising and marketing materials
- Small company logo and company name placed on third tier of sponsors on official race shirt
- Invitation to hang company-supplied banner at post-race party venue
- Invitation to set up Company booth at post-race party with promotional items
Exhibitor Sponsors: $150
- Invitation to set up booth at post-race party with promotional items/ services
Beverages or Food
- 2 free entries to race
- Company logo on official race shirt
- Invitation to hang company-supplied banner or sign at post-race party venue
- Invitation to set up Company booth at post-race party
Patron Sponsor ($100 and up): All donations are appreciated. Without the combined help of our sponsor and patrons, athletic scholarships would not be possible. Your name or your company name will be added to the generous list of donors on our website
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