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Packet Pick Up

Thursday, March 27, 2025; 11:00PM – 3:00PM

Charlotte Running Company - Promenade
5355 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy, Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28277

*You can pick up for friends or family


Friday, March 28, 2025; 2PM - 8PM ----  PACKET PICK UP PARTY

OMB Ballantyne

15025 Bowl St, Charlotte, NC 28277

This race just keeps getting better.  We are excited to announce that OMB Ballantyne will be hosting our pre-race packet pick up party!  


Packet Pick Up Party Schedule:  March 28th 2PM-8PM

*Packet Pick Up Opens:  2PM
*Packet Pick up Closes:  8PM
*Stay and party as long as you want!


Will Call

If you are unable to pick up on Thursday or Friday and need to get it on race morning, you can purchase "Will Call" for $10 and we will have it for you at the start/finish line.  You can purchase Will Call HERE

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