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Charlottesville Women's Four Miler

08/30/2025 Charlottesville, VA 22901 US Directions


How can I get updates about the race?
Visit this site to stay up to date on events and race-day information. And follow our Facebook page!

I don’t want to run four miles, is it okay if I walk?
YES! By all means, 30% of our participants are walkers. Participants choose to walk for many different reasons - injury, aches and pains, keeping pace with younger family members, or just personal preference. Whatever your reason for walking, four miles is the same distance at 24 minutes as it is at 60 minutes!

Where is packet pickup?
Packet pickup details will be shared as the event approaches.

How do I get my race results?
If you would like to receive race day results by the time you get to your phone, please follow these instructions!Go to your profile in RunSignUp
Scroll down to Women's Four Miler and click on MANAGE REGISTRATION
In the grey bar at the top of the page, go to RESULT NOTIFICATIONS (top right of grey bar)
Click on Sign up for Result Notifications
Fill out your contact info

I chose the wrong t-shirt size during registration. How can I change my size?
Sign In to RunSignUp and go to your Profile
See Upcoming Races
Click Manage Registration next to the registration that you are editing. Then click on GIVEAWAY in the top navigation bar.
You can also contact us to change your t-shirt size, along with getting answers to any of your registration-related questions.

I’ve already registered, but now I want to join a racing team. Can I do this?
Absolutely! When you registered, you received an email that includes a link that is labeled “Manage Registration” (link is located above the QR code). This link will take you to a page that will prompt you to sign in. Once signed in, there will be an arrow in the top right-hand corner of the screen with a drop-down menu. Select “Profile” and then “Manage Registration” on the right and then “Group/Team”. From this screen, you can create a new team or join an existing one.

This is a female-only race. How can the males in my life get involved?
The Women’s Four Miler requires a lot of volunteer-power to help things run smoothly! There are volunteer opportunities to help with packet pick-up and for the day of the race. 

Should I bring my own water on the day of the race?
We encourage you to bring lots of water to keep hydrated, but there are water stops along the course, around miles 2 and 3.

Are strollers or baby carriers allowed on the race course?
No, because of safety issues due to the high volume of participants, strollers of any kind (including jogging strollers) and baby carriers are not allowed on the race course.

Can my dog join me on the race course?
No, pets are not permitted on the course or on the Foxfield grounds.

Can I use my headphones/earbuds during the race?
Due to safety issues, we discourage using headphones during the race.

I’ve just realized that I can’t come to the race. Can I get a refund?
Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds on registration fees, but you still get your race bib and t-shirt.

It looks like it might rain on race day! What is the weather plan?
The race happens rain or shine, thought it would be canceled in the event of a thunderstorm. 

What time should I arrive?
Though the race begins at 8 AM, you can arrive as early as 6:30 and you must arrive no later than 7:30. At 7:30, the road is closed to all traffic at 7:30 while staging begins and does not open again until 9:30.

When should I plan to leave Foxfield?
Garth Road re-opens to vehicular traffic at 9:30 am. However, we hope you will take advantage of the unique opportunity to linger on the beautiful grounds of Foxfield for the post-race festivities. These include: post-race refreshments, presentation of awards, door prize raffles from local businesses (you must be present to win!), and information about the UVA Breast Care Center, ​

Any other questions?
Contact us at

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