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DASH for Detection

June 7th - Montrose Harbor Chicago, IL 60613 US

Parking & Transport

Please plan on arriving at the race site at Montrose Harbor (600 West Montrose Harbor Drive) by 8:00 AM to ensure you have plenty of time to check your gear and partake in the morning's festivities prior to the 9:00 AM run/walk start.

Parking has never been so easy; Montrose Harbor has lots of free and low-cost paid options!

Street parking (free) is available on Simonds Drive in the park between Montrose and Foster. Paid parking (via kiosk or app) is available in the Montrose Harbor, Wilson Lots. Exit DuSable Lake Shore Drive at Montrose or Wilson Avenues.

We recommend carpooling, using public transportation, or riding your bicycle to the event. The event provides bike parking adjacent to the event site.

To determine the best route to travel via public transportation, please visit the RTA Trip Planner

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