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DC Virtual Summer Series # 1 (Draft)

Sat June 27 - Sun June 28 Washington, DC 20015 US Directions
This Race is in Draft Mode

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


5873 Nebraska Ave NW
Washington, DC US 20015


This is a series of ten progressively longer races, held virtually and over set courses in the Washington, DC area. It is modeled after the long running Westport Road Runners Summer Series in Connecticut

You will be able to run the course, or the equivalent distance, any time on the weekend of the race, and submit your time online, where it will be compiled with the results of other virtual competitors. If you download the RaceJoy app and run with your phone, you'll get mile splits and directional cues, and your results should post automatically.

All registration for the series or individual races will be done online at The fee is $50 for the 10-race Series or $10 per individual race.

Grand Prix scoring will be used and the winner of each division will get a t-shirt upon the conclusion of the series - 

Men and Women Grand Prix Scoring Divisions - 

Junior - 19 and younger

Open - 20 thru 29

Sub-Masters - 30 thru 39

Masters - 40 thru 49

Grand Masters - 50 thru 59

Veterans - 60 thru 69

Grand Veterans - 70 and older

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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