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Sun November 16, 2025 Washington, DC 20016 US Directions


5K Run

$35 9:30AM EST - 11:00AM EST Registration Opens August 1, 2025 at 12:00am EDT

5K Students/Faculty/Staff

$20 9:30AM EST - 11:00AM EST Registration Opens August 1, 2025 at 12:00am EDT

1 Mile Fun Run

$35 9:40AM EST - 11:00AM EST Registration Opens August 1, 2025 at 12:00am EDT

1 Mile Fun Run Students/Faculty/Staff

$20 9:40AM EST - 11:00AM EST Registration Opens August 1, 2025 at 12:00am EDT


The Horace Mann PTA is hosting its 5th annual Great Turkey Chase 5K & Fun Run, and we are so excited! This is one of the few opportunities we have during the school year where we can come together as a community - families, teachers, and neighbors - to celebrate our amazing school and faculty, as well as have a great time! 

Why are we running? Over 75% of the PTA’s fundraising dollars go towards the salaries of many of our partner teachers and specialists – funds that are not provided by DCPS. The PTA also supports a myriad of initiatives, including educational programs like gardening and language, professional development opportunities, classroom enrichment, facility enhancements, and more! Each registered runner and donor makes a huge difference as we strive to further enhance our school. 

And what's a race without a little competition? Our students are getting in on the fundraiser action by seeking donations from friends and extended family for ultimate bragging rights and a chance to win a Pajama Day and Pizza Party. During registration sign-up, runners will have an option to add a donation for the grade competition! Be sure to mention the name and grade of the students you're donating on behalf of so they get credit.

Starting time is November 16th at 9:30AM (5K) and 9:40AM (1 Mile) from the Mann parking lot. Note: These runs will not be on a closed course so please keep to the sidewalks and practice caution while running through the neighborhood.

Sponsor a Runner

To help ensure all Centaurs (faculty and students) may participate in the event, please consider sponsoring a runner (or more).  Choose the Sponsor a runner option! Registrations will be allocated to Mann staff and families with the assistance of the Principal based on need. 


T-Shirts & Bibs

Your t-shirt size selections and printed racing bibs cannot be guaranteed if you register after 10/27.

Packet Pick-Up

Race packets will be available for pick-up at Horace Mann at the following times. Race day will be busy so please pick up packets before race day, if possible.

Thursday, November 14: 3:00 - 4:30 pm (range, blue picnic tables)

Friday, November 15: 8:30 - 9:00 am, 3:00 - 4:30 pm (range, blue picnic tables)

Sunday, November 17: 8:30 - 9:30 am

Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor!

Thank you to our T-Shirt Sponsor!


Course Maps



4430 Newark St NW
Washington, DC US 20016

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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