DIRECT MILITARY AND FIRST RESPONDERS Pacers Running is pleased to offer direct Military and First Responder entry cost discounts to all races. Family or extended family is not included in these discounts. Please email to request the special code to apply at checkout to receive $10 off your entry fee into the DC Half races. Please bring your military/first responder ID to packet pick up for confirmation. Thank you for your service.
AWD AS SOLO AND DUO REGISTRANTS Pacers Running encourages all AWD and Challenged participants. For our safety-first race day planning, please identify your AWD status in the question asked as you complete your entry. If you might need any special accommodations for your participation, please connect by email to AWD duos are offered a complimentary entry for one of the two runners—i.e. a guide for a visually impaired runner, a pusher for a push-chair duo. Please connect by email to providing runner information to receive a registration code.
** For reference, typical categories of Para Athlete programs supported by USATF include VISION IMPAIRMENT T11/T12 and T13, LOWER LIMB IMPAIRMENT T61-T64, T42-T44, UPPER LIMB IMPAIRMENT T45, T46, T47, COORDINATION IMPAIRMENT T35-T38, INTELLECTUAL IMPAIRMENT T20
ELITE PRO RUNNERS Elite-Pro courtesy entries are a limited opportunity in each race. Please connect by email to providing a screen shot or direct link to your specific prior race credentials and / or finish times to inquire about availability and considerations. ** 2025 Elite Runner standards for complimentary entry are 1:13 for men and 1:22 for women in the half marathon distance.
GENDER IDENTIFICATION For purposes of timing-results-scoring-awards, please tell us as you complete your registration how you choose to be identified in your race. "I want to be identified as..."
REGISTRATION INFORMATION UPDATES Need to update your registration choices and responses? Your first-ever registration in RunSignup creates a PROFILE. This profile will auto-populate your Race entries as you register. If you need to change basic bio info in your Profile—like address, preferred Gender identification, best email contact, giveaway size—you need to do this for yourself through your RunSignup profile through midnight September 7, 2025.
After that date is passed, email to make important updates. Here are the most common questions with direct links to RunSignup tutorials:
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