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Sat April 26, 2025 Newark, DE 19711 US
Countdown to Race Day


The Patriot 4.2 Miler

($25: Ages 0 - 18)
9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT Price increases after April 25, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

The Patriot 1 Mile Fun Walk (not timed)

($25: Ages 0 - 18)
9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT Price increases after April 25, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT


What is the definition of a Patriot?

According to Webster it is one who loves and supports his or her country.

But we would like to add a little more to that definition.  A Patriot is also someone who loves and supports his friends and family.

That is who Chris Pepe was and what he will always be remembered as...A Patriot.

Join us for our Annual 4.2 Miler in honor of Captain Christopher S. Pepe US Air Force.

Chris was a huge supporter of Pat's Run in honor of Pat Tillman.  Chris and his friends would go out to Arizona every year to run and support the great cause.  We thought it was only appropriate to have a 4.2 Mile Run/Walk.

Proceeds will benefit the Friends of Fusion Foundation, which will support organizations that Chris cared deeply about.

Runners Amenities

Runners will receive:

- Post Race Party at Timothy's

- Custom Bib 

- The Patriot 4.2 Miler Unisex T-Shirt or Women's Tank Top

Bib Pick Up

Saturday April 26th from 8:00am till 8:55am at Olan Thomas Park

4.2 Miler & 1 Mile Fun Walk Starts Time 9am.

Post Race Celebration

After you complete your run/walk, head on back to Timothy's Upstairs for a post-race celebration.

9:30am till 11:30am.

Award ceremony will be back at Timothy's around 10:30am.

Awards & Age Groups

Overall Male/Female

Overall Male/Female Master

Top 3 in each age group Male/Female

9 and under, 10-13, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70+

*Overall and Masters - based off GUN TIME

*Age Groups - based off CHIP TIME

Course Map


*Map is for directional purposes only

Why 4.2 Miles?

Every year Chris and friends would fly out to Arizona to run in Pat's Run.

It is a 4.2 mile race in honor of the Pat Tillman.  Pat was a Patriot.

On the evening of April 22, 2004, Pat’s unit was ambushed as it traveled through the rugged, canyon terrain of eastern Afghanistan. His heroic efforts to provide cover for fellow soldiers as they escaped from the canyon led to his untimely and tragic death via fratricide.

Find our more about their organization HERE.

Charity Partner

The Friends of Fusion Foundation is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization that provides assistance and support for children, young adults, and first responders in the State of Delaware. We also support organizations which provide help and services to the same populations. 

The proceeds from this event will be donated through The Friends of Fusion Foundation to local organizations Chris was passionate about.

FAQ's & Policies

Information all participants should know.

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