Where Do I Swim?
That is a bit of a challenge isn't it? Especially if your pool isn't open yet, or your Shelter-In-Place prohibits you from getting to some kind of open water to swim.
So we'll be a bit lenient on this one - use your backyard pool, or your neighbors back yard pool, a lake, a pond, or even tread water or do aerobics in your hot tub. Any body of water is fair game for as long as you estimate your time for the swim/water portion of the event. One race director has even allowed shower time to count towards the water segment. Don't really think that's a good idea because you'll run out of hot water but if that works for you go for it. Just spend some time in some kind of water.
If you're lucky enough the have an ocean, lake, or other body of water don't forget to turn on your garmin for your map. You could do that in your hot tub too and that would make for some interesting maps!