The ride has four distance options, the 50K, 100K, 150K, and 200K to challenge you with various elevations up to 8000 + ft.
This course will challenge you physically and mentally through the beautiful glacier carved Wisconsin landscape. You will find full-service rest stops, including bathrooms, at various locations, as well as water-only stations throughout where you can fill up your water bottle and take a break, but those will not have restrooms.
Keep your eyes on the road! Keep yourself on the route by following the map, turn by turn signs, and adhesive arrows on the road. SAG vehicles, medical support, and repair vans will be available roaming the course, and at aid stations. Bring extra tubes, CO2 and other spares to use when possible, as it may take some time for a mechanic to get to you. Staff will be monitoring the course. Stop any of them or a SAG wagon if you need assistance.
In the event of a serious emergency, use your cell phone or get to the nearest house and call 911.

RideWithGPS Links below:
200K - Total Elevation is 8,152 ft
150K- Total Elevation is 6,677 ft
100K- Total Elevation is 4,626 ft
50K- Total Elevation is 2,488 ft
*All courses are preliminary pending permits and approvals. Maps subject to change at anytime.