History Lives Here Family Fun Run & Walk
314 Pioneer Alley
Ketchikan, AK US 99901
Ketchikan Pioneers and its fundraising arm, Ketchikan Pioneer Way Association, is raising funds to support the restoration and preservation of Pioneer Hall.
Pioneer Hall is Ketchikan’s oldest building at 125 years of age. It is the anchor building for Ketchikan’s Downtown Historic District on the National Historic Properties Registry.
On April 27, Pioneers is sponsoring a family fun run/walk that will take you through Ketchikan’s Downtown Historic District. You can take part in the history trivia contest as you “Walk Through Our History”.
The event is open to all ages, with hopes families will join in this healthy and educational activity. The Course is 1.5 miles with an optional 1-mile extension.
Ketchikan Pioneers of Alaska exists to collect and preserve Ketchikan Alaska’s history. Come join us and learn about our town’s wonderful and fascinating history.
Ketchikan has an incredible history and you live in it every day.
There will be door prizes, award ribbons and a chance to discover an unknown tidbit of Ketchikan’s history.
Refreshments will be served and maps provided.
Registration opens March 17th and at the Hall on the day of. $10.00, 12 and under free.
All funds support the Pioneer Hall Restoration Project
Race Start: Pioneer Hall
Race End: Pioneer Hall
For Information Call: 907-254-2685
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Course Map
The Yellow route is approximately 1.5 miles. The Green route is an extension which branches off of and joins with the Yellow route for the finish. The Green route adds approximately 1 mile to the Yellow route.
The fun run and walk begins and ends at the Pioneer Hall, 314 Pioneer Alley, Ketchikan.