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5.56K Run/Ruck

Sat March 8, 2025 Hoover, AL 35244 US Directions

5.56K Run/Ruck

Donation Goal: $20,000

The Alabama SWAT Foundation is a non-profit organization (501C3), all donations are tax deductible.  This organization raises funds to send SWAT Police Officers to advanced training.  The Alabama SWAT Foundation is a newly formed nonprofit organization created by current SWAT Police Officers.  Our mission is simple, to advance the training of the SWAT Teams across the state of Alabama.  By the support of the community to raise funds we will send officers to the highest level of training we can find in the country.  Funds will go to pay tuition costs for these classes.  We know team members will come back with not only sharpened skills but the ability to positively affect the teams they belong to, better protect their communities, and become leaders.  SWAT Officers are relied on and looked to in the worst situations.  SWAT(Special Weapons and Tactics), being able to obtain the tools and gear required for our job is one thing; but making sure we are receiving best tactics and leadership training in an ever-changing world is the harder part.  The training is available, officers are ready to step up, we want to bridge the gap to help with funding.   


Raised of $20,000


Top Donors

$1,007 Raised By 19 Donors

$500 on behalf of Medical Properties Trust
$100 on behalf of Jason Cobb
$100 on behalf of OTM Fitness
$50 on behalf of Brock Hardy
$50 on behalf of Jesse Cooper
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Richard Tucker
$20 on behalf of Hunter Pinneo
$20 on behalf of Wyatt Sanders
$10 on behalf of Frank Watson
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of James Maddox
$10 on behalf of Matt Honeycutt
$10 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Beverly Brown
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$1 on behalf of Nickalas Atchison
$1 on behalf of Robert Hayes

Donation Attribution

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