This is more than a race, it's a celebration of the birds that depend on the unique and vital habitats found in Baldwin County. From the songbirds in your backyards to the shorebirds on our beautiful beaches, birds are dependent on the health of area ecosystems for survival. This includes the health of native plants and pollinators too. Birds need insects, insects need native plants—and we need your support to continue to do this work!
Alabama Audubon's work on the coast combines science, research, and education to help ensure a future for the birds we love. Recent studies suggest we have lost 29 percent of overall wild bird populations (approx. 3 billion birds) since the 1970's largely due to habitat loss. Shorebird populations specifically have decreased by almost 38%. The story of the challenges facing birds is unfolding before our eyes. Help us do the work to give birds a voice. All proceeds from this race go directly towards the work our Coastal Bird Stewardship program is doing in Mobile and Baldwin County, which provides critical protection and monitoring for the 13 species of birds that depend on Alabama beaches for nesting and raising their chicks. Click here to learn more about the work being done by Alabama Audubon Coastal Bird Stewardship Program.
PLEASE NOTE: This is an optional voluntary additional donation towards Alabama Audubon , separate from the race registration. You are not obligated to contribute an additional donation. If you do not wish to add a supplemental donation, please select $0.