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Pedal It Forward

Donation Goal: $5,000


Simply put, we collect used bikes, fix them, then distribute to those in need through our 60+ Pedal Partners. We serve rural and urban low-income kids, adults and families, at-risk youth, minority and immigrant populations in Northwest Arkansas.

Our mission is to increase the number of people that have access to bikes for health, transportation, or recreation.

While our program is based on “free” bikes, we suggest recipients donate what they can with $25 being a goal. We also provide free helmets with every bike.

Pedal It Forward NWA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.  All monetary and in-kind donations are tax-deductible.  For more information, email


Raised of $5,000


Top Donors

$150 Raised By 5 Donors

$50 on behalf of Robert Hanle
$25 on behalf of Cecil North
$25 on behalf of Gary Kahanak
$25 on behalf of KeepItSimple1935, Inc.
$25 on behalf of The Kamuhuro's

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