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Fight Back SMA 5K Run/Walk For LHDM (Living Hope Disability Ministry)

Donation Goal: $10,000


Raised of $10,000


Top Donors

$950 Raised By 14 Donors

$200 on behalf of jermaine jermaine e moore
$100 on behalf of jermaine jermaine e moore
$100 on behalf of Jermaine Moore
$100 on behalf of Kimberly McCalpine
$100 on behalf of Mary Joseph
$75 from Anonymous
$63 on behalf of Brittany Unknown
$50 on behalf of Janet Walker
$50 on behalf of Jermaine Moore
$50 from Anonymous
$30 on behalf of Brenda Davis
$20 on behalf of Wendi Unknown
$10 on behalf of Michael Strange
$2 on behalf of Nehemiah Miller

Donation Attribution

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