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Tucson 5000

Sun May 18, 2025 Tucson, AZ 85716 US Directions

Team Hoyt Arizona

Beneficiary Team Hoyt Arizona 

Team Hoyt Arizona takes its name from the legendary father-son team of Dick and Rick Hoyt.It honors us that Dick and Rick Hoyt granted us permission to use their name for our charity.  We are only one of seven Team Hoyt organizations in the world.

When Rick was 15, he told his father that he wanted to join in a five-mile benefit run for a classmate that had been paralyzed in an accident. Though he’d never competed in running events, Dick Hoyt agreed to push Rick in the race in his wheelchair.They finished second to last in the race, but Rick told his father that when he was running, it felt like his disability disappeared. And so the original Team Hoyt was born.

Since then, they have competed in hundreds of events together, including 31 Boston Marathons and six Ironman triathlons! The Hoyts’ example inspired other parents with children with disabilities to form their own teams and start competing in athletic events.

Team Hoyt Arizona is a nonprofit organization with its own all-inclusive community. With a message of Yes You Can!

You will see them at many of the running events around Tucson and beyond.

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