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The Danville Half Marthon and 10K

Sat May 27, 2017 Danville, CA 94526 US Directions


Half Marathon

8:00AM PDT - 12:00PM PDT


8:15AM PDT - 12:00PM PDT

Kids Race

10:00AM PDT - 10:30PM PDT
Open to ages 2 - 12.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


655 Old Orchard Dr.
Danville, CA US 94526


Welcome to the 7th annual Danville Half Marathon and 10k!

Both races are out and back, along the Iron Horse Trail, winding through the small towns of Danville and Alamo, California. We are pleased to be teaming up with the Semper Fi Foundation again and the Danville Veterans Community in an effort to raise awareness and money for the valiant that have fought for us and lost in some way. All proceeds from the race will be donated! Previous runs have raised over $15,000 for the Semper Fi Foundation.

All 3 races start on the south west side of the building in a well-marked culdesac located at 655 Old Orchard Dr, Danville, CA 94526. The course is a beautiful and relatively flat out and back course along the Iron Horse Trail. There will be aid stations roughly every 2 miles with water and a sports drink. At the half marathon turn around we will also be providing snacks. The finish line for all three races ends at the start line.

All runners will receive a runner's medal and event t-shirt (must be registered by May 10 to be guaranteed a medal and t-shirt). Water, fresh fruit and muffins available after the race!

There will be race day registration, but if you plan on doing that it will be more expensive, ($80 for the 1/2 marathon, $60 for the 10k) and we ask that you come early. However, race shirts are not guaranteed for same-day registration.

All proceeds benefiting the SEMPER FI FOUNDATION: Serving the needs of severely wounded Marines and their families.

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