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Damillion's Run For HOPE!

September 2024


Damillion Jaize Legacy Foundation

Donation Goal: $2,000

The Damillion Jaize Legacy Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, founded after the devastating loss of our beloved Damillion. 

We appreciate all support and welcome any donation no matter the size. Donations will go towards scholarships for Weld County Colorado High School graduates as well as towards initiatives and programs that provide suicide awareness, education, and prevention.


Raised of $2,000


Top Donors

$1,791 Raised By 41 Donors

$200 on behalf of Becky Wiedeman
$100 on behalf of Alejandra Gutierrez
$100 on behalf of Angela Casamento
$100 on behalf of Fernando Ocanas
$100 in memory of Jose "Che" Angel Aguero
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Sylvia Martinez
$75 on behalf of Kathleen Straub
$55 in memory of Jose "Che" Angel Aguero
$50 on behalf of Amanda Owens
$50 on behalf of Amanda Owens
$50 on behalf of Freddie Cordova
$50 in memory of Jose "Che" Angel Aguero
$50 on behalf of Katherine Larkins
$50 on behalf of Laura Gaucin
$50 on behalf of Missy Tijerina
$40 from Anonymous
$40 on behalf of Lorie Mora
$25 on behalf of Ashley Huaynate
$25 from Anonymous
$25 from Anonymous
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Gwen Forster
$25 in memory of Justin Mullen
$25 on behalf of Mary Ponce
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Paul Johnson
$25 on behalf of RD
$25 on behalf of Ruby Diaz
$25 on behalf of Sara BLOSZ
$25 on behalf of Yvette Roybal
$21 on behalf of Bayleigh Manzanares
$20 on behalf of Contreraz Angela
$10 on behalf of Becki Rogakis
$10 on behalf of Jordan Verduzco
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Millie Howard
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Andrea Gomez
$5 on behalf of Gonzo Fam

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