We want every baby to reach their first birthday and we need your help. October is Safe Sleep Awareness Month and we’re asking you to run or walk to raise awareness about how Safe Sleep Save Lives and to help support our work educating everyone about the Safe Sleep Guidelines.
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) accounts for over 3,600 deaths every year. This number could be dramatically reduced by always adopting the Safe Sleep Guidelines developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics which include:
· Placing babies on their backs for every sleep time on a firm, flat mattress;
· Room share not bed share for at least the first six months; and
· Keep everything out of the baby’s sleep space including stuffed animals, blankets, pillows, fluffy bumpers and loose clothing.
From October 1st – 15th sign up to walk or run at least 15 miles. You can start at any time. Post pictures of you and your friends and family walking and tag us on social media (Instagram @firstcandle) with the hashtag #Safe2Sleep.
Our event culminates on the 15th which is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. For those parents who have experienced a devastating loss we will always be here offering comfort and hope.
Sign up as a family, encourage friends from around the country to participate and get people to sponsor you.
The cost to sign up is $45 per person. All proceeds go towards our Education and Bereavement programs.
For more information you can reach out to our Events Coordinator Stephanie Taylor at stephanie@firstcandle.org. Or simply sign up here