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Deacon Chuck Dietsch Memorial 5K Run & Walk for Haiti

Donation Goal: $30,000

Dear Friend,

We hope you will consider making a contribution to this year’s event, as it raises money for the many programs and individual projects we support through our twinning relationship with the community of Our Lady of Sorrows in Grand Boulage, Haiti.  Proceeds from previous races have helped to provide classroom furniture, textbooks, solar panels and a new copying machine for the parish school; as well as continuing to fund hot lunches served in the school canteen during the school year and paying the teachers' salaries. We also sustain a medical clinic in the region that is administered by Medicines for Humanity. We are extremely grateful for your on-going commitment to the people of our twin parish in Haiti!  Your help is definitely needed to continue this great mission. Thank you in advance for your most generous support.



Raised of $30,000


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