on behalf of 2021-2022 Sons of Pericles Supreme Lodge
on behalf of Ann Pirrello
on behalf of Chrysi Polydoros
on behalf of Dorothy Xanos
on behalf of E. Chris Kaitson
on behalf of George Sofikitis
on behalf of Georgios Christoforidis
on behalf of John Rigakos
on behalf of Katina Booras Tassopoulos
on behalf of Lawrence. Wm Uhde, III
on behalf of Ourania Stephanides
on behalf of Peter Rodish
on behalf of Thomas Copulos
on behalf of Thomas Copulos
on behalf of William Paul
on behalf of Marianthi Treppiedi
on behalf of Basil Mossaidis
on behalf of Connie Mondore
on behalf of Craig Theros
on behalf of Dean Moskos
on behalf of Dimitrios Misantonis
on behalf of Georgios Kaparos
on behalf of Isa Velez
on behalf of James Rigopoulos
on behalf of John Karipides
on behalf of Stella Stringer
on behalf of A. Louis and Tacia Servos
on behalf of Athanasios Natsios
on behalf of Constantine Kalousis
from Anonymous
on behalf of DIMITRIOS
from Anonymous
on behalf of John Xanthos
on behalf of Mona Monezis
on behalf of Peter G Leasca
Past supreme Governor 1999
on behalf of Barbara Stavis Wolf
on behalf of Jerry Galovic
on behalf of John Kasimos
on behalf of Lea Planakis
on behalf of Marie Balasis zahn
on behalf of Nick Kavadas
from Anonymous
on behalf of Stephanie Giallourakis
on behalf of Andrea Villare
on behalf of Anne McGowan
from Anonymous
on behalf of Demetrius Bereolos
from Anonymous
on behalf of James Constantine
on behalf of James Macris
on behalf of James Mohamed
from Anonymous
on behalf of Nikolaos Liakos
on behalf of Peter S. Giakoumis
on behalf of Stephanie Balaskas