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Women's Day 5K

Sat March 1 - Mon March 31, 2025 Anywhere, FL 00000 US

Women's Day 5K

Support our Mission

Consider making a one-time optional contribution, which Latinas Run will use to cover the costs associated with in-person group events and to support local chapters across the country.

Latinas Run is a national organization that promotes running as a way to improve the physical and mental health of the Latina community. This free group and platform empowers members and encourages healthy conversations among runners of all backgrounds.


Apoya nuestra Misión

Considera hacer una contribución opcional única, que Latinas Run usará para cubrir los costos asociados con los eventos presenciales y para apoyar a los capítulos locales en todo el país.

Latinas Run es una organización nacional que promueve el running como una forma de mejorar la salud física y mental de la comunidad latina. Este grupo y plataforma gratuitos empoderan a los miembros y fomentan conversaciones saludables entre corredores de todos los orígenes.

Top Donors

$450 Raised By 32 Donors

$50 on behalf of Sunrise Runners
$25 on behalf of Alfonso Torres
$25 on behalf of Carol Castaneda
$25 on behalf of Dawn Allen
$25 on behalf of Debbie Rodriguez
$25 on behalf of Gio
$25 on behalf of Juli Legat
$25 on behalf of Lorrie Ruiz
$25 on behalf of Margaret Guzman
$25 on behalf of Natalia Velazquez
$25 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Brenda Rodriguez
$10 on behalf of CHANTEL Columna
$10 on behalf of Fernanda Dearing
$10 on behalf of Jessica Bloodgood
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Lucia Esparza
$10 on behalf of Stephanie Gonzalez
$10 on behalf of Vanessa Davila Romero
$5 on behalf of Aileen Lam
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Kassandra Figueroa
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Lily Bennett
$5 on behalf of Maribel Roque
$5 on behalf of Michelle Lopez
$5 on behalf of Monica Josephson
$5 on behalf of Monica Ramos
$5 on behalf of Natalie Estrada
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous

Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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