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USA Women's Half Marathon Florida Keys

Donation Goal: $5,000

When World Renowned Artist, Lighthouse Larry decided to swim, in his native town of Islamorada, to Alligator Lighthouse and back, alone and self-supported, his friends thought he was crazy. When he then said out loud “every open water swimmer should experience this,” Larry became the anchor to the Swim for Alligator Lighthouse.

The Fighting Manatee Swim Club, the Masters swim club of Islamorada, accepted the challenge to present a world class open water swim event in the Florida Keys. The Fighting Manatees presented the Inaugural Swim for Alligator Lighthouse in 2013. It’s here to stay!

Proceeds from the swim benefit the Friends of the Pool in Islamorada, providing scholarships for high school students. They also support small investments towards the preservation of Alligator Light. The Swim brings awareness to treasured Historic Lighthouses on Florida’s Coastal Waterways. Friends of the Pool is an all volunteer 501c3 organization.


Raised of $5,000


Top Donors

$70 Raised By 4 Donors

$25 on behalf of Jennifer Mauney
$25 on behalf of Jennifer McDougal
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Michele Rodriguez

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