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Baptist Health 305 Half Marathon & 5K

Sun March 6, 2022 Miami Beach, FL 33139 US Directions

About the Life Time Foundation

Through financial grants and consulting, Life Time Foundation supports K-12 schools in serving real, nourishing, delicious food and community organizations nationwide in getting and keeping kids active. Learn more about our program areas:

As of 2021, our programs impact 1.7 million youth. Learn if we are impacting your community, or reach out to get us involved, through our website.

Want to get involved? Learn about competing at UNBOUND Gravel, Leadville, the NYC Triathlon, and others as a Foundation Athlete.

Every penny of every dollar contributed to Life Time Foundation directly supports grantmaking and programs, as Life Time Inc covers all Foundation operating expenses.


Raised of $15,000


Top Donors

$5,356 Raised By 505 Donors

$500 on behalf of Anne Citrin
$250 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Ari Mark
$100 on behalf of Jackie Ferrer
$100 on behalf of Jose Barbosa
$100 on behalf of Lawrence Stracuzzi
$100 on behalf of Riccardo Cast
$100 on behalf of Thomas Lefebvre
$68 from Anonymous
$50 from Anonymous
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Claudia Barrios
$50 on behalf of Daniel A Pacheco
$50 on behalf of Daniel Rodriguez
$50 from Anonymous
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Jair Saint Louis
$50 on behalf of Jonathan Taborda
$50 on behalf of Julie Sharma
$50 on behalf of miguel a yunes linares
$50 on behalf of Nate Utkov
$50 on behalf of Petrina Marius
$50 on behalf of Renata Beyruti
$50 on behalf of Rosvelt Quintero
$40 on behalf of Mary Russo
$40 on behalf of Nicolas Caicedo
$30 from Anonymous
$25 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Alberto Villarreal
$20 on behalf of Alexandre Piquet
$20 from Anonymous
$20 from Anonymous
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Antonio Ucar
$20 on behalf of Benigno Armas
$20 on behalf of Brian Shapiro
$20 on behalf of Christopher Stapleton
$20 on behalf of Danny Molina Villalobos
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Edgardo Reales
$20 on behalf of Erica Nahmad
$20 on behalf of Freddy Benavides
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of George King
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Horacio Rodríguez
$20 on behalf of ISIDRO ROMERO NOBOA
$20 on behalf of Janez Smolkovic
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Joseph Verdi
$20 on behalf of Kenyon Williams
$20 on behalf of Laura Ramos
$20 on behalf of Maria Davis
$20 on behalf of Marisol Sanchez
$20 on behalf of Melissa VanderZyden
$20 on behalf of Michael Jerome
$20 on behalf of Nastasia Schreiner
$20 on behalf of Nohra Estepe
$20 on behalf of Paola Herrera
$20 on behalf of Pavel Nekhoroshev
$20 on behalf of Rafael Valls
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Romina Romani
$20 on behalf of Sebastian Ordonez
$20 on behalf of Staci Thirlwell
$20 on behalf of Timothy Taylor
$20 on behalf of Tulio Batista
$20 on behalf of Varvara Malkina
$15 on behalf of Paulo Antonio Berardo
$15 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Adriana Eraso
$10 on behalf of Alejandro Cupi
$10 on behalf of Alejandro Ferrer
$10 on behalf of Alfred Caporale
$10 on behalf of Amir Neto
$10 on behalf of Ana B HENRIQUEZ
$10 on behalf of Andrea Coladner
$10 on behalf of Angel Gutierrez
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Annabel Rodriguez
$10 on behalf of Antoinette Cohen
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Austin Gaines
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Branca Barcelos Webster
$10 on behalf of CAROLINE Bertha Denise ZENNIE DUPOUX
$10 on behalf of Cesia Aguilera
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Daniel Rodriguez Serrano
$10 on behalf of Daniel Verdugo
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Daria Kobzan
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Eduardo Hernandez
$10 on behalf of eduardo prepelitchi
$10 on behalf of Elias Shiber
$10 on behalf of eluh management llc
$10 on behalf of Estefanía Zaga
$10 on behalf of Fernando Chavarria
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Gabriel Ruiz
$10 on behalf of Gisel Saumat
$10 on behalf of Hamilton Cifuentes
$10 on behalf of Henry Waissmann
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Janete Miranda
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Jessica Porter
$10 on behalf of JIM PHILLIPS
$10 on behalf of Joanna Osorno
$10 on behalf of John Bianconi
$10 on behalf of Johnny Bermudez
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Jorge Villafane
$10 on behalf of Jose Adrianza
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of JUAN JOSE
$10 on behalf of Juan Lorenzo Mendoza
$10 on behalf of Kevin Buckley
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Kirenia Chiu
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Lawrence Timmons
$10 on behalf of Leonel Mendoza
$10 on behalf of Lina Diaz
$10 on behalf of Lisa Davenport
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Luisa Larez
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Maria Morejon
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Mary Choban
$10 on behalf of Matthew Prevor
$10 on behalf of Mauricio Magana
$10 on behalf of Mauro Pinho
$10 on behalf of Miguel Valecillos
$10 on behalf of Nache Atkins
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Pierluca Roccheggiani
$10 on behalf of PIERRE MOUSSA
$10 on behalf of Queila Tavares
$10 on behalf of Rachael Leonard
$10 on behalf of Rachel Justis
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Rene Galindo
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Sabina Ademovic
$10 on behalf of Sophia Turner-Smith
$10 on behalf of Stephanie Navas
$10 on behalf of Stephen Haughey
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Victor Leal
$10 on behalf of Victoria Muller
$10 on behalf of Victoria Var-Heibak
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Violeta Inchaustegui
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Wendell Sammons
$10 on behalf of Xiomara Suarez
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Alonso Bacigalupo
$5 on behalf of Amy Bloom
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Anahi Amilivia
$5 on behalf of Andres Cordoba
$5 on behalf of Anne Altizer
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Bibi Miranda
$5 on behalf of Carlos Byrne
$5 on behalf of Carlos Costa
$5 on behalf of Carlos Tinoco
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Cecilia Falzone
$5 on behalf of Celina Medina
$5 on behalf of Cesar Vazquez
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Christine Cabassi
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Daisha Thompson
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Danielle Foote
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Dayan Hernandez
$5 on behalf of Deborah Sakr
$5 on behalf of Delmy Ayala
$5 on behalf of Dennis Askew II
$5 on behalf of Diana Duque
$5 on behalf of Eleanor McKinley
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Felipe Salazar
$5 on behalf of FERNANDO ANTILLON
$5 on behalf of Fernando Boye
$5 on behalf of Fernando Ikeda
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Fred Johnson
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Guiovani Pisfil
$5 on behalf of Hiliana Tibaquira
$5 on behalf of Isabel Bejarano
$5 on behalf of Isabel Carolina Ugueto Otanez
$5 on behalf of Isabel Gonzalez
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Ivonne Schulman
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Jessica Terman
$5 on behalf of Jiro Yates
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Jorge Ulloa
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Jose Manuel Torres
$5 on behalf of Jose Padilla
$5 on behalf of Joseph Alicata
$5 on behalf of Joseph Barron
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Karen Brindle
$5 on behalf of Karina Garay
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Lorenzo Renda
$5 on behalf of Lucas and Noah
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Luis M Garcia
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Luis Vega
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Maria Pinango
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Mayra Miro
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Michael Nendick
$5 on behalf of Michelle Nunes
$5 on behalf of Miguel Garcia
$5 on behalf of Milos Bogdanovic
$5 on behalf of Miriam Ramirez
$5 on behalf of Nancy Larramendi
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Nicole Orozco
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Olga Valderrama
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Oscar Manes
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Patrick Arsenault
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Rebecca Yaras
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Richard Myers
$5 on behalf of Ritch Saint-Jean
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of ROGER DE LA TORRE
$5 on behalf of Roger Gabor
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Sam Sherlock
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Sara Gauvreau
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Sebastian Diez
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Sebastian Perez
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Silvia Lucero
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Taylor Toyra
$5 on behalf of Victoria Merino
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of “CWO INTERNATIONAL LLC”
$4 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Adriana Gonzalez
$2 on behalf of Aida Camacho
$2 on behalf of alejandro diaz
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Alysha Robinson
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Ana Leon
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Antoinette Murray
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Astrid Matheus
$2 on behalf of Bailey Mullins
$2 on behalf of Beliace Petit homme
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Bisar Baki
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Carla Moreira
$2 on behalf of Carlos Del Valle
$2 on behalf of Carolina Baute
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Christina Garcia
$2 on behalf of Claudia Rodriguez Sanchez
$2 on behalf of Cristhofer Boza
$2 on behalf of Dailen Diaz
$2 on behalf of DaJuan Lawrence
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Daniel Pernia
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Dayana Reyes
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Elizabeth Soethe
$2 on behalf of Endri Vargas
$2 on behalf of Evandro Cunha Filho
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Francisco Gonzalez
$2 on behalf of Frida Escobar
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Giuliana Matthews
$2 on behalf of Gliceida Galarza
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Hannah Felsher
$2 on behalf of HAROLD ARANDO
$2 on behalf of Hector Cabrera
$2 on behalf of Hector Cabrera
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Hercules Conway, II
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Hispanic Mental Health COUNSELLNG PLLC
$2 on behalf of Humberto Arevalo
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Israel Martinez
$2 on behalf of ivan Tenreyro
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Jan Hendrik Oellers
$2 on behalf of Jason DuBois
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Jessie Fricard
$2 on behalf of John Burke
$2 on behalf of Jordan Kjoniksen
$2 on behalf of Jose Maggiorani
$2 on behalf of Juan Bermudez
$2 on behalf of Juan Bracho
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Julio Cabrera
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Kateryna Ulianina
$2 on behalf of Katherine Leyes
$2 on behalf of Katherine Reyes
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Kaylee Sandvil
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Kseniia Matiakubova
$2 on behalf of Lawrence Carlin
$2 on behalf of Lazaro Rashid
$2 on behalf of Leonardo Laport
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Liza Kawaller
$2 on behalf of Luis García
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Lyda Marsela Moncada Robledo
$2 on behalf of Lydie Locutura
$2 on behalf of Madina Brusnikina
$2 on behalf of Malachi Perez
$2 on behalf of Manoly ramirez
$2 on behalf of Marco Oliveira
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Maria Vallilo
$2 on behalf of Mariandre Salazar
$2 on behalf of Mariandre Salazar
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Marisabel Maldonado
$2 on behalf of Mateus Sores
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Michael Maccaquano
$2 on behalf of Miguel Garcia
$2 on behalf of Miguel Petrizan
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Miriam Ramirez
$2 on behalf of Mishael Christmann
$2 on behalf of Moisés Zambrano
$2 on behalf of Moti Deri
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Nelson Sanchez
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Nicole Creegan
$2 on behalf of Nikolas Franulic
$2 on behalf of Noel Ramos-Vasconcelos
$2 on behalf of Omar Chirinos
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Patrick Carney
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Reinaldo D'Santiago
$2 on behalf of Ricardo Linares
$2 on behalf of Robert Coward
$2 on behalf of Roberto Martinez
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Ryan Sudarsky
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Sandra Izaguirre
$2 on behalf of Sandra Izaguirre
$2 on behalf of Sean Grant
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Shalom Rosenfeld
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Teresa Seda
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Thamara Gonzalez
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Tumelo Dire
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 from Anonymous
$2 on behalf of Yoselin Rincon
$2 from Anonymous
$1 from Anonymous
$1 from Anonymous
$1 from Anonymous
$1 on behalf of Cristina Rivas
$1 on behalf of Frederick Peralta
$1 on behalf of Gisselle Usatorres
$1 from Anonymous
$1 from Anonymous
$1 on behalf of Marco Martory
$1 from Anonymous
$1 on behalf of Rolando Usatorres
$1 on behalf of Rolando Usatorres

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