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Run For Hope 5K

Sat September 13, 2025 Augusta, GA 30906 US Directions


Augusta Dream Center

Donation Goal: $30,000

Make an Extra Donation or Sign Up to Fundraise

Make a donation or sign up to fundraise. Every dollar helps the Augusta Dream Center bring immediate relief in the areas of poverty to people living in the CSRA. Donations will help us carry on our mission and allow us to continue offering our programs. 

Donate Digitally:



Click here to visit our website

The Augusta Dream Center's mission is to help people who are hurting by meeting some of life's most basic needs, building relationships, and helping people reach their fullest potential. With your help we can continue to improve the lives of people struggling with poverty. Please make a financial contribution to move our mission forward which is impacting and restoring lives. For example:

$25 provides a backpack with school supplies for a child

$50 feeds a family of four for a week

$100 provides Christmas gifts for two children

$250 purchases a bed and mattress for a child


To Get Free Registration Join Our Fundraising Team

To start your own fundraising page, click on the "Become a Fundraiser" button below. Fundraising team participants who raise $100 or more will receive free race registration. 

To Donate Digitally:


Donations can be mailed to:

Augusta Dream Center
3364 Peach Orchard Road
Augusta, GA 30906


Raised of $30,000


Select a fundraiser to donate to a cause.


Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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