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Blaze the Trail Color Dash

Sat April 15, 2017 Valdosta, GA 31698 US Directions


2nd Annual Blaze the Trail Color Dash 5k

9:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


Due to some unforeseen circumstances the race has been cancelled. 3/30/2017

The purpose of this race is to raise awareness for autism and to promote physical fitness and wellness. The month of April is autism awareness month, so we would like to give a portion of the proceeds to a learning center here in Valdosta, GA that caters to autistic children. The runners will go through 4 color check points where they will have color powder thrown on them. These colors will consist of blue, pink, orange, and yellow. When the runners finish the race, they will end on the front lawn. There, we will have booths set up for our sponsors and supporters. At this time, runners can engage in the color war, visit participating booths, and get food.

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1300 Sustella Ave
Valdosta, GA US 31698

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