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Be Awesome, Be Strong Virtual Run/Walk for the Amherst Survival Center

Mon April 20 - Sun May 31 Amherst, MA 01002 US Directions


Virtual race
Amherst, MA US 01002


The Be Awesome, Be Strong virtual race is a race that can be run (or walked) from any location you choose. You can run, jog, or walk on the road, on the trail, on the treadmill, at the (empty) gym, or on the track. You can choose to run a 5k (3.1mile) or 10k (6.2mile) race. You get to run your own race, at your own pace, and time it yourself. Many participants complete their run (or walk) all at once, but we understand that not everyone is able to do that. So set your goal – whatever that may be – and go out and accomplish it! If that means you need to break up your run into multiple segments, so be it. Just track your distance and time each day and let us know when you have completed your goal. The race is open to all areas and anywhere in the world so please share the details with your friends near and far and help us raise some money to support an amazing community resource: The Amherst Survival Center.

Our race will be raising money for the Amherst Survival Center. The Amherst Survival Center is a community center where we provide lots of resources that help people to meet their basic needs. We provide free meals ( community meals ), free groceries ( food pantry, mobile programs, and fresh food distribution ), free clothing and housewares ( community store ), free medical care ( health clinic ), easy one-stop-shop access to other community programs and resources ( resource center ) as well as activities, workshops, and events ( community activities ). Everything is free. The Amherst Survival Center is available to everyone! There is no eligibility, no documentation, and no ID required. Most of our services are intake-free (all we ask is for you to tell us what town you live in–there is no wrong answer!). Our Food Pantry is limited to residents of Amherst, Belchertown, Deerfield, Granby, Hadley, Leverett, Pelham, Shutesbury, South Deerfield, South Hadley, Sunderland, Ware and Whately, and to those who are currently homeless. Please note: there is no income, citizenship, or any other requirement for accessing the Food Pantry. You can visit for more information on the center.


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