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Run 4 Teachers Virtual 2 Mile/4 Mile/12 Mile Race

Tue March 30 - Mon May 31 Anywhere, MD 21057 US

Run 4 Teachers Virtual 2 Mile/4 Mile/12 Mile Race

Your donation will go to AdoptAClassroom.

AdoptAClassroom is a national nonprofit organization based in Minneapolis, MN that provides funding for school supplies to classrooms and needy families. It was founded in 1998.

Top Donors

$385 Raised By 13 Donors

$100 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of DAWN LUVAAS
$50 from Anonymous
$45 on behalf of Carolanne Mueller
$25 on behalf of Chris Haines
$25 on behalf of Linda Carlton
$20 on behalf of Heather Pries
$20 on behalf of Kate Snider
$15 on behalf of Floyd Hepler
$10 on behalf of Kelvin Neely
$10 on behalf of Lynn Howery
$10 on behalf of Michelle Carr
$5 on behalf of Tony Komotar

Donation Attribution

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