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Nomad Trail Running Series

Thu June 9 - Thu October 13 Norway, ME 04268 US Directions


Full Series

06/09 - 10/13 6:00PM - 6:00PM EDT
Events: 8.5 K Trail run #1 8.5 K Trail Run #2 8.5 K Trail Run #3 8.5 K Trail Run #4 8.5 K Trail Run #5 Full Series Pricing


Roberts Farm Preserve
Norway, ME US 04268


A series of 5 races over the summer and into fall. The Second Thursday of each month we will gather at Robert's Farm Preserve for an 8.5K Trail Race. This will be a combination of groomed double track and moderately rough singletrack. These races could be muddy if the weather is wet. Preregister for the event and it's $15, $20 on race day. Register for all 5 events in advance of the first one and pay just $60.

 Each month you will collect points based on your finish place towards the the series overall and the series winning male and female will walk away with CASH PRIZES!!  

All net profits from this series and it's extra donations go directly to improving trails at Robert's Farm Preserve and other Western Foothills Land Trust properties.

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