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Pumpkin Harvest Hustle 5k Run Walk & 10K Run

Sat October 15, 2016 Coloma, MI 49038 US Directions


Pumpkin Harvest Hustle 5k Run

9:00AM EDT - 10:30AM EDT

Pumpkin Harvest Hustle 5k Walk

9:00AM EDT - 10:30AM EDT

Pumpkin Harvest Hustle 10K

9:00AM EDT - 10:30AM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


1850 Friday Road
Coloma, MI US 49038


5K route will be a cross country trail running thru the apple and cherry orchards, grape vineyards, pumpkin patches, around a haunted house and cemetary at Jollay Orchards on Friday Road in Coloma, Michigan. There will also be many surprise Halloween themed stations staggered throughout the course. 10K route will be a half cross country and half road race.  Day of registration begins at 7am.  There is a cash prize costume contest for participants at 8:30.  Run/walk begins at 9am.  Awards at 10am.  Free kids/family 2/3rd mile fun run begins at 10:15.  All profits from this event go towards a fund to rennovate and update the Coloma high school workout/weight room.

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