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The Katty Shack 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk

Sat April 27, 2019 Grand Haven, MI 49417 US Directions


Katty Shack 5K

9:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT

Katty Shack 1 Mile

9:15AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT


St. John's Lutheran Church, 527 Taylor Ave.
Grand Haven, MI US 49417


Katty Shack is back in Grand Haven for our 10th year!  We are excited to offer this fun, family event while remembering and honoring those affected by violent crime and raising funds for a wonderful cause.  Enjoy the beautiful views of Lake Michigan while running through quaint neighbor hoods and passing by the Coast Guard along the channel.

All proceeds benefit The Crime Victim Foundation of Michigan.  Katty Shack is run in memory of four loved ones whose lives were tragically taken in September of 2008:  Katherine Brown, Jeremy, Tyler & Sharmaine Zimmer.

The event begins Friday, April 26th, at St. Patrick's Family Center, 920 Fulton St., Grand Haven, with the "Fuel Up For Katty Shack" pasta dinner along with raffles, and music.  Late registration and packet pick-up are also available from 4:30 - 6:30 pm.  Pasta tickets are $10.oo for 13+ and $7.oo for 12 & under.

Saturday, the 27th, is the 5K and 1 Mile events.  Race headquarters for the morning are located at St. John's Lutheran Church, 527 Taylor Ave., Grand Haven.  Packet pick-up and late registration are from 7 - 8:30 am.  The 5K starts at 9 am with the 1 Mile starting shortly after that.  Race Start is on the corner of Taylor and Wisconsin, and finish is on Marion, the north side of St. John's.  Stay after the finish for a FREE pancake breakfast, door prizes, and awards.

Race registration (single participant):  $20.oo until February 28th; $25.oo from March 1st until April 25th at Midnight.  Family & Business rate (3+ at same address):  $20.oo/person until April 25th at Midnight.   

Late registration available both Friday (4/26) and Saturday (4/27); fee $30.oo/participant.  No group rate.

Please visit the STORE to purchase pasta dinner tickets.

We thank you all who have supported Katty Shack our first 9 years!!

See you in April :)

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