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2020 Run of the Mill 5K

Sat April 18, 2020 Holland, MI 49423 US Directions


2020 Run of the Mill 5K

9:30AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT

Run of the Mill 5K Cancellation

Hi All, 

It's the email we didn't want to have to send. Unfortunately, with the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, we have made a decision to cancel the 2020 Run of the Mill 5K. While this is a great event, we want to ensure the safety of participants, employees, and our community at large. We hope that 2021 will bring better circumstances to get out and enjoy a run in our park. In the meantime, stay safe & healthy!

Here Are Your Options:

You understand that events are expensive, even when cancelled, and you want us to keep your registration fees to help cover our costs. We deeply appreciate your generosity and look forward to seeing you at the 2021 Run of the Mill - thank you!!!

We understand. We hope you can join us next time.


1 Lincoln Ave
Holland, MI US 49423


Join us for our annual 5K fun-run that will kick off the season and raise funds to support programs and upkeep at Windmill Island Gardens. The course takes you around the island itself and then heads out into the Window on the Waterfront before coming back to the island. Not up to a full 5k? Feel free to enjoy a walk around the Island (about 2/3 of a mile - you can make multiple laps!). 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at



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