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ITFD Firefighter Memorial Run

Sun June 1 - Mon June 30, 2025 Ishpeming, MI 49849 US


Ishpeming Township Fire Department Association

Donation Goal: $1,000

Certain costs for our volunteer fire department, such as our annual Neighbors Night Out, are self-funded. Previously, old newspapers were transported to a recycling company for payment.  Due to the drop in newspaper subscriptions and the ease of community recycling, we have lost the majority of our revenue for additional funding. 

Mail checks to

Ishpeming Township Fire Department

1575 US-41 W 

Ishpeming, MI 49849

Contact race director Kenny Peterson for other options

Phone - (906) 236-3869

Email -



Raised of $1,000


Top Donors

$135 Raised By 4 Donors

$100 on behalf of Christine Richards
$20 on behalf of Tyler Thomas
$10 on behalf of Kenneth Peterson
$5 on behalf of Jordan Jarvi

Donation Attribution

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