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Playmakers Holiday Classic

Lansing, MI 48912 US

Playmakers Holiday Classic

Donation Goal: $4,000

The Playmakers Fitness Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to the wellness of the mid-Michigan community. We believe in the transformative powers of running, walking, and moving our bodies, and envision a healthy, connected and thriving community.

Our mission is to be of service to our community by providing opportunities for people to move MORE and educational programs that train people to move BETTER. You can join us on this journey by making a tax-deductible donation. Help us in getting all of mid-Michigan moving more and better!

To make a donation to the Playmakers Fitness Foundation, please mail, or drop off in person during business hours, at Playmakers.

2299 W Grand River Ave
Okemos, MI 48864


Raised of $4,000


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Donation Attribution

At Playmakers, we understand that the land on which we run, walk, and live is the ancestral and traditional lands of the Odawa, Ojibwe, and Potawatomi people. We acknowledge the significance of this land and pledge to uphold, respect, and honor indigenous communities, while also acknowledging the intricate and painful history they have endured.

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