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Bedford Veterans Center 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Walk

The Bedford Veterans Center was founded in 2017 by a local veteran and is operated by VOLUNTEERS . Our executive board consists of Monroe County Veterans and civilians. Our team is comprised of non-compensated volunteers dedicated to seeing our veterans thrive. 

Our mission is to support, communicate with, and encourage Veterans of all Military Branches living in Bedford Township and greater Monroe County. Our purpose is to actively create solutions that solve the problems our veterans are facing. 

Our services include a place of support, private appointments with Veteran Service Officers to discuss benefits and claims, food pantry program, free roundtrip transport to medical appointments to the Toledo and Ann Arbor VA, support groups,  and veteran court representation.

Your generosity helps US, help THEM and we thank YOU.

Donations can be mailed or delivered to:

Bedford Veterans Center

8020 Lewis Ave Temperance, MI 48182

Checks made to: Bedford Veterans Center

EIN #82-3308887

Top Donors

$25 Raised By 1 Donor

$25 on behalf of Tom Lewandowski

Donation Attribution

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