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Brett's Bands 5th Annual 5K for SUDEP Awareness

Sat October 5, 2024 Parkville, MO 64152 US Directions

Brett's Bands 5th Annual 5K for SUDEP Awareness

Donation Goal: $5,000

Planning an event is not for the faint of heart! It is also an effort done in hope and trust. Without amazing donors, this event would not be possible. Thank you so much for helping make Brett's Bands 5K for SUDEP Awareness a reality.

We are a recognized 501(c)(3) organization with a public charity status of 509(a)(2) and happily provide receipts to all of our donors. We deeply appreciate ALL donations and sponsorship at any level!

**We appreciate ALL levels of sponsorship and would like to publicly recognize our donors.

All corporate donations of $100 or more will have:

1.      Business logo proudly displayed on race t-shirt 

2.      Business name on sponsorship sign located at the start of the race

3.      Along with a fact about SUDEP, all corporate sponsors will have their name or logo on a mile marker sign along the race route

4.      All first time corporate donors also receive a gorgeous plaque to display in your business thanking you for your community support for SUDEP Awareness.

5. All memorial/individual donations will be publicly acknowledged on the race registration Donations page. All individual donations of $50 or more will also be recognized on a "Thanks to our Donors" sign at the race Start Line. Please choose the Anonymous option for your Love Donation if you would like to remain anonymous and NOT have your name displayed publicly. 

We proudly use Cohen Art and Framing in Platte City for our race signs and t-shirts.

Your donation is tax deductible under IRS Section 170. Brett's Bands is a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) as 509(a)(2). Tax ID: 85-2075940.





Thank you so much for your gift! It means so much to us and our efforts to spread awareness for SUDEP. If you would like to dedicate your donation in memory of a loved one or in honor of a person or group, please feel free to share this with us!



Step 1.     Email the following information or visit to electronically submit your sponsorship. You may even choose Venmo @brettsbands which will help avoid fees associated with this site! (You know you have the right Venmo if you see Brett's picture)

Step 2.     Please email a vector file for your business logo to 


Organization/Sponsor Name: ________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________ State: ____________________ Zip: __________________

Contact Person: _____________________________________________________________________________

Contact Email: ________________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________

Website Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

Please write your company name exactly how you’d like it to appear on signage:


o   To guarantee logo placement, please complete forms and submit by September 1, 2023 to:


Reach out to Sheree at or (816) 739-4856 with questions.

Brett's Bands Tax ID: 85-2075940


Raised of $5,000


Top Donors

$570 Raised By 9 Donors

$200 on behalf of Amr Operations
$200 on behalf of Lisa Sapenaro
$50 on behalf of Rebecca Brooks
$50 on behalf of Sydney
$30 on behalf of Donavan Royer & Family
$25 in memory of Brett
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Baylee Eckles

Select a Brett's Bands SUDEP Awareness fundraiser to donate to a cause.


Donation Attribution

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