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Running From Squatch - Springfield, MO

Sat September 20 - Sat October 4, 2025 Springfield, MO 65803 US Directions

Running From Squatch - Springfield, MO

Donation Goal: $1,500

Our mission is to sustain and improve the water resources of Springfield and Greene County through education and effective management of the region’s watersheds

The work of our mission falls primarily into two categories: Projects and Education. Our current projects involve a variety of public and private partners, and urban and rural citizens to improve water quality. Many of our current and completed projects include demonstrations of low-impact development techniques to reduce pollution in stormwater and gather information on the effectiveness of pollution reducing practices to continue to improve their effectiveness.

Our educational efforts strive to give all citizens information and experiences which improve their understanding of local water resources and encourage the stewardship of those resources. Participants range of audiences from children to professionals. The Watershed Center at Valley Water Mill Park is the heart of our educational mission. The Watershed Center Activity Menu explains some of the many topics to learn about on field trips, and even casual visitors can utilize the interpretive signs, or the vast list of our publications on our website like. Both our projects and educational efforts help our community meet Federally Mandated “MS4”  requirements and a more detailed list can be found in our Annual Report.


Raised of $1,500


Top Donors

$75 Raised By 6 Donors

$25 on behalf of Danielle Smith
$20 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of John Fletcher
$10 on behalf of Kristine Kinney
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous

Donation Attribution

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