In September of 1994, a six-year-old Montana cowboy, Chase Hawks, was killed in a tragic accident. Family and friends gathered to form the Chase Hawks Memorial Association with the goal of helping others facing crisis situations so something positive could come from the loss they felt. We have endeared the memory of one little cowboy to the community and provided a hand up to many more.
Our fundraising efforts are anchored in the volunteer managed Annual Rough Stock Rodeo, the Labor Day weekend “Burn the Point” parade and car show, Annual Trap Shoot, Pasture Golf Tournament and Race For Chase Run. Other events have come and gone, but the cause has stayed the same- neighbors helping neighbors in times of crisis.
Chase Hawks Memorial Association has become a viable source of help for families in crisis that have needs which are not addressed by larger charities or insurance because of immediacy or circumstances. Many of our requests for assistance come from other charities or agencies that recognize a family in crisis, but are unable to help because of fiscal, geographic, or time constraints imposed by their own criteria or regulations. The ability to compliment larger, more established and need-specific organizations has made Chase Hawks Memorial Association a valuable community partner.
Today, we continue to fund diverse requests which stem from unexpected crisis situations; helping our neighbors in crisis when they need it most.