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Bald Head Island Conservancy

Goal: $5,000

The Bald Head Island Conservancy was founded on Bald Head Island, NC in 1983 with a focus on barrier island conservation, preservation, and education. The Conservancy sponsors and facilitates scientific research that benefits coastal communities and provides numerous recreational and educational activities to the public. In coordination with various organizations, partnerships, and collaborations, the Conservancy has led the nation in conservation and research efforts and is uniquely poised to become a leader in Barrier Island Conservation world-wide. 

Badwater fans and race participants will appreciate that BHIC cares for the pristine setting for the Badwater Cape Fear race route and its role as a seat turtle nesting site and sanctuary. The Conservancy also serves as the host and finish line for our event. As such, our goal is to annually raise $10,000 to purchase one of the special UTV vehicles which BHIC uses to patrol the beach and care for sea turtle nesting sites. 

Since 2014, AdventureCORPS has made or facilitated more than $125,000 in donations to the Bald Head Island Conservancy. 

More Info: 


Raised of $5,000


Top Donors

$105 Raised By 6 Donors

$50 on behalf of Gary Hecimovich
$25 on behalf of Dusty and Ryanne Taylor
$10 on behalf of Jeff Clark
$10 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Brandon Boyd
$5 from Anonymous

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