With the recent loss of our loved one Judith (Judy) Holbrook, and her short battle with mouth cancer we wanted to help others in similar situations. The health industry informed us that this specific type of cancer is one of the least funded among all the different types of cancers. During our last visit with Judy at her home in Hillsboro, OH our daughter “Divine” looked at us, while whimpering, and told us that this wasn’t fair and she wanted to help. So Divine’s 5K was started to raise awareness and to help Head & Neck Cancer Research. We picked the event name “Shimmer and Shine” as it relates to life. Just as a light “Shimmers” and then fades away so does life. So it is up to everyone one of us to make the best of what was given. Take the lessons taught to us from every aspect in life and do something remarkable. Life is your time to “Shine”.