Your Support is Crucial
100% of WCYl's budget is raised by contributions from within Wayne County.Your donations helps us hire and train staff and provide essential administrative support to the area. Your contributions also support operating expenses such as salaries and other ministry costs and can help send kids to Young Life camps.
Our Vision
We are committed to introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. Young Life also aims to establish and maintain a presence at all high schools and middle schools in the local area.
Your Support
We believe that in order to reach kids we must go where they go and enter their world. Every week in our local area, Young Life staff and volunteers can be found at school events and practices and at kids' favorite hangouts. In many cases, they are the only adult friends kids have in their lives. Our work could not be done without your support. We are grateful for your gift to Young Life. Thank you for all you do to help us reach generations of kids who desperately need to hear a message of hope.